Yi Yang

Yi Yang


Yi Yang is a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University studying Information Security. He likes to write code and build things. He is currently working on a personal data manager (PDM) projects for fun. He is also looking for internship opportunities in the summer of 2024.

Some status on the projects (updated on Sep 19, 2023):

  • PDM Desktop App (This is what I am actively working on for the past two months or so):
    • Encryption is finished (parallelized instead of single threaded as in the browser WebAssembly version)
    • Notes update is not finished
      • This is because I am working on the binary file encryption features first
      • Should be done relatively soon…
      • Only mentally blocked on implementing the basic network calls to the server… (literally just a few lines of code…)
      • but it currently can retrieve, decrypt, and show notes from the server
    • Chat not finished
    • Have a binary file encryption “plugin” for folders and files that can encrypt files in cloud drive folders
      • This is very cool because it can encrypt using pdm-crypt-module and the servers only need to keep the relative locations of the files and folders in a particular cloud drive folder.
      • Should have a working version of this in a week or so
    • Local storage is finished (the most robust local storage out of all the others)
      • Using virtual file system in the memory as SQLite database, and only encrypted data is touching the hard drive
  • PDM Mobile App: 0.1.0-alpha
    • Encryption is finished
    • Notes update is finished
    • Local storage is partially finished
      • Local storage is using Redux persist
      • Encrypted using pdm-crypt-module
      • Next step is to cache the encrypted data in local storage when internet is not avaliable
    • Chat not finished
  • PDM Web App: 0.1.0-alpha
    • Encryption is finished
    • Notes update is finished
    • Chat not finished (should be done earlier than mobile app)
    • Local storage partially finished~~~~
      • Encrypted using pdm-crypt-module
      • Local storage is using IndexedDB in browsers (all browsers support it, but many users just turn off the feature for security reasons)

Download my resumé as a PDF.

Get in touch

Send me a message, and I'll get back to you within 24 hours. - Yi Yang